Giving Back workshop with high school students
Last weekend, several GENE Amsterdam researchers came together to teach a genetics workshop to a group of high school students in Giving Back Amsterdam.
The day started with a great lecture on genetic research, genetic risk, and the lack of (genetic) diversity in research by Anaïs Thijssen and dr. Anil Ori. Next, the students followed workshops on the ethics of genetic research (with dr. Anil Ori and dr. Margot van de Weijer, programming (Tessa Zonneveld and dr. Jorien Treur, and DNA extraction (dr. Wonu Akingbuwa and dr. Fernanda Bosada-Musselwhite) in smaller groups.
The day ended with a spectecular lab tour at the department of experimental cardiology, where students even got to see beating heart cells through a microscope.
We thank all the involved researchers and enthusiastic students and hope to be able to organize this workshop again next year! Interested in organizing something similar? Reach out to the steering committee for the possibilities!