DNA Cinema: NWA Science Communication Funding for GENE Amsterdam Outreach

Members of the GENE Amsterdam Outreach committee, Dr. Dennis van ‘t Ent (VU, biological psychology), Dr. Margot van de Weijer (AUMC psychiatry), Tessa Zonneveld (AUMC psychiatry) & Melanie de Wit (VU, Clinical Developmental Psychology) will receive NWA (nationale wetenschapsagenda) funding to set up an outreach program “DNA Cinema” in collaboration with Scholieren Filmfestival, VU audiovisueel centrum and Rialto:

Summary: Genetic research is currently developing at a rapid pace, and more and more is possible, such as determining predispositions for diseases and behavior, embryonic selection, and DNA modification. The current generation of adolescents will be the most confronted with these developments. It is therefore essential that this group is well-informed about the interpretation and implications of genetic research, and about aspects of ethics and privacy. Conversely, it is important that scientists in genetic research are aware of the thoughts and possible misconceptions among young people and learn about the most optimal ways to communicate research findings. To this end, we want to approach high schools for the ‘DNA cinema’ project, in which students prepare and execute a film festival. During this project, the students make videos on topics around the theme of genetic research and society. The videos are shown during the festival along with an existing feature film on this theme and activities where the topics from the films are discussed with scientists. Throughout the project, the students reflect together on the theme and there is dialogue with scientists. In this way, we ensure that the students become more knowledgeable in an accessible manner, and that young people and scientists learn from each other’s perspectives on this theme.

We are extremely excited about this novel GENE amsterdam collaboration/activity, and for the opportunity to invest in our outreach and contribute to the education of high school students. If you have questions about this project, or are interested in implementing this in your local high school, do not hesitate to reach out to the network, or the individual researchers.

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