Bachelor courses | Year 1
Bachelor Program: Biomedical sciences, Year 1.
Credits: 6
Period: 1
Course coordinator: Dr. E. Tutucci
Brief description: In this course, you will study the composition and structure of the
human genome, how it is replicated and inherited. We will discuss how the stored information in chromosomes is retrieved and used, and how genes are regulated at the molecular level to perform their function. Important in this discussion is the genetic variation in the human population: particularly the link between mutated genes and diseases. You will discover how these mutations arise, what the consequences are, and how they can explain the various types of inheritance patterns.
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Medical Genomics
Bachelor Program: Biomedical sciences, Year 1
Credits: 6
Period: 5
Course coordinator: Dr. L.R. van der Kallen
Brief description: The term genomics refers to the discipline that studies an organism’s entire genome, as opposed to studies that focus on one or few selected genes. In this course, you will learn fundamental concepts relevant for such studies and be introduced to powerful techniques that can be applied to investigate all genes simultaneously (i.e. on a genome-wide scale). The availability of such techniques is of immense value for biomedical sciences, for example in clinical genetics where these techniques can rapidly detect genetic abnormalities in patients. The steeply increasing efficiency of mutation discovery prompts a new need for bioinformatics tools to handle all the available data and to distinguish causative mutations from neutral variations. At the same time systematic approaches to restore genetic defects are also progressing. In the coming years, genome-wide approaches can be expected to yield many medical advancements, collectively referred to as medical genomics.
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