Bachelor courses | Year 3


Molecular genetics

Bachelor Program: Psychology, Year 3: track Genes, Cognition and Behaviour

Credits: 6

Period: 5

Course coordinator: Dr. R. Pool

Brief description: Since (most of) the human genome is sequenced, research searching for genes involved in behavioral traits exponentially increased. For those studies, DNA is collected from subjects. After DNA collection, the DNA is isolated and measured in a laboratory. This course evaluates the different techniques that can be used to manipulate DNA like sequencing, PCR and gel electrophoreses. The structure of the genome (structure of a DNA molecule, coding/non- coding DNA, mutations etc.) and how genomes function in cells (gene expression, DNA transcription/translation, DNA replication etc) will also be explained.

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Genes in behaviour and health

Bachelor Program: Psychology, Year 3: track Genes, Cognition and Behaviour

Credits: 6

Period: 2

Course coordinator: Prof. Dr. Conor Dolan

Brief description:

People differ in their personality, behaviour, cognition, psychological health, and lifestyle. Behavior genetics focusses on quantifying the contribution of genetic and environmental influences to individual differences in psychological traits. In this course, we focus on the classical twin design, which is used infer the contribution of genetic and environmental effects to individual differences based on the resemblance between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. We discuss the
biometrical model and the related statistical model that underlies the twin design and its (multivariate) applications. In addition to the theoretical and statistical underpinning of the twin design, we will gain hands-on experience in the computer practicals. In these practicals, we use the R library umx to carry out the analysis of real and simulated twin data in the R program. In addition to the theory and practice of the twin method, we discuss a selection of substantive papers based on the classical twin design.


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B-Thesis Genes, Cognition and Behaviour

Bachelor Program: Psychology, Year 3: track Genes, Cognition, and Behaviour

Credits: 12

Period: 5       

Course coordinator: Dr. S. A. Los

The B-thesis involves a research internship at the department ofBiological Psychology or Cognitive Psychology, and a research report on the performed research. In the preceding course Methodology 3, you have become familiar with the literature of your research topic and the design of your study. In the internship, you will be involved in data acquisition and/or data analysis under supervision of one of the members of the department (your B-thesis supervisor). You report your findings in a written research report (the B-thesis proper).

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