Personal Page | dr. Philip Jansen
I am a medical doctor (MD 2014) and epidemiologist (MSc 2012) with a strong background in both complex trait genetics and monogenic diseases. Currently I combine my work as a postdoctoral researcher (VU) with a residency in clinical genetics (AMC) to become a medical specialist in genomic medicine. As such, I have wide experience with the use of genetic testing for individual patients (e.g. next-generation sequencing) as well as large-scale genetic analyses in complex traits.
My motivation is to improve insights into the brain’s mechanisms that explain individual variation to neuropsychiatric diseases, and to contribute to early recognition and improved treatment options. As a genomic-medicine specialist and researcher, my long-term goal is to translate research findings from complex trait genetics to clinical genetic care and vice versa.
#Psychiatric disorders #GWAS #PRS #clinical genetics #genetic diagnostics #neurogenetics
Key publications
- Jansen, P.R., Watanabe, K., Stringer, S., Skene, N., Bryois, J., Hammerschlag, A.R., .de Leeuw, C.A., Benjamins, J.S., Munoz-Manchado, A.B., Nagel, M., Savage, J.E., Tiemeier, H., White, T., Tung, J.Y., Hinds, D.A., Vacic, V., Wang, X., Sullivan, P.F., van der Sluis, S., Polderman, T.J.C., Smit, A.B., Hjerling-Leffler, J., Van Someren, E.J.W., Posthuma, D., Genome-wide Analysis of Insomnia in 1,331,010 Individuals Identifies Novel Loci and Functional Pathways. Nature Genetics, 51, 394-403 (2019).
- Watanabe, K., Jansen, P.R., Savage, J.E., Nandakumar, P., Wang, X., Hinds, D.A., Gelernter, J., Levey, D.F., Polimanti, R., Stein, M.B., van Someren, E.J., Smit, A.B., Posthuma, D. Genome-wide meta-analysis of insomnia prioritizes genes associated with metabolic and psychiatric pathways. Nature Genetics, 54(8), 1125-1132 (2022).
- Jansen, P.R., Nagel, M., Watanabe, K., Wei, Y., Savage, J.E., de Leeuw, C.A., van den Heuvel, M.P., van der Sluis, S., Posthuma, D., Genome-wide meta-analysis of brain volume identifies genomic loci and genes shared with intelligence, Nature Communications, 11, 5606 (2020).
- Jansen, P.R., Broeders, M.J.M., Cornel, M.C., Meijers-Heijboer, H., Polygenetische risico scores voor vaak voorkomende ziekten: van epidemiologie naar klinische toepassing, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde(2019).
- Jansen, P.R., Dremmen, M., van den Berg, A., Dekkers, I.A., Blanken, L. M., Muetzel, R. L., Bolhuis K, Mulder, R.M., Kocevska, D., Jansen, T.A., de Wit, M.C.Y., Neuteboom, R.F., Polderman, T.J.C., Posthuma D., Jaddoe, V.W.V., Verhulst, F.C., Tiemeier, H., van der Lugt, A., White, T., Incidental findings on brain imaging in the general pediatric population. New England Journal of Medicine, 377, 1593-1595 (2017).